-Edward Hirsch
It's that vague feeling of panic
That sweeps over you
Stepping out of the #7 train
At dusk, thinking, This isn't me
Crossing a platform with the other
Commuters in the sad half-light
Of evening, that must be
Someone else with a newspaper
Rolled tightly under his arm
Crossing the stiff, iron tracks
Behind the train, thinking, This
Can't be me stepping over the tracks
With the other commuters, slowly crossing
The parking lot at the deepest
Moment of the day, wishing
That I was someone else, wishing
I was anyone else but a man
Looking out at himself as if
From a great distance, through water,
Turning the key in his car, starting
His car and swinging it out of the lot,
Watching himself grinding uphill
In a slow fog, climbing past the other
Cars parked on the side of the road,
The cars which seem terribly empty
And strange,
and suddenly thinking
With a new wave of nausea
This isn't me sitting in this car
Feeling as if I were about to drown
In the blue air, that must be
Someone else driving home to his
Wife and children on an ordinary day
Which ends, like other days,
With a man buckled into a steel box,
Steering himself home and trying
Not to panic
In the last moments of nightfall
When the trees and the red-brick houses
Seem to float under green water,
And the streets fill up with sea lights.
-Edward Hirsch
It's that vague feeling of panic
That sweeps over you
Stepping out of the #7 train
At dusk, thinking, This isn't me
Crossing a platform with the other
Commuters in the sad half-light
Of evening, that must be
Someone else with a newspaper
Rolled tightly under his arm
Crossing the stiff, iron tracks
Behind the train, thinking, This
Can't be me stepping over the tracks
With the other commuters, slowly crossing
The parking lot at the deepest
Moment of the day, wishing
That I was someone else, wishing
I was anyone else but a man
Looking out at himself as if
From a great distance, through water,
Turning the key in his car, starting
His car and swinging it out of the lot,
Watching himself grinding uphill
In a slow fog, climbing past the other
Cars parked on the side of the road,
The cars which seem terribly empty
And strange,
and suddenly thinking
With a new wave of nausea
This isn't me sitting in this car
Feeling as if I were about to drown
In the blue air, that must be
Someone else driving home to his
Wife and children on an ordinary day
Which ends, like other days,
With a man buckled into a steel box,
Steering himself home and trying
Not to panic
In the last moments of nightfall
When the trees and the red-brick houses
Seem to float under green water,
And the streets fill up with sea lights.
At 3:45 PM, Anonymous said…
Ok I chose green first,
this led me to Commuters by eddy herish. Levly poem i decided to rock a hot color after a cool one so I did
Red brick houses, which luckly led me to The Red Wheelbarrow, by my main man W. Carlos W. An enlivening afterwork poetic jaunt.
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